3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc · data · nft_BLEyyvP4RnqgFQo4Xaxqwbmu1Vky1khfHYLs5JfzhRdS_sellerComment
    "nft_BLEyyvP4RnqgFQo4Xaxqwbmu1Vky1khfHYLs5JfzhRdS_sellerComment": "Seller's comment:Seller's comment: 90% of proceeds will go to Burn, Baby, Burn treasury: https://www.burnxtn.tech/nft-series"


    "2024.04.17 09:25": "Seller's comment:Seller's comment: 90% of proceeds will go to Burn, Baby, Burn treasury: https://www.burnxtn.tech/nft-series",
    "2024.04.03 09:04": null,
    "2024.03.27 09:38": "",
    "2024.02.23 11:07": null,
    "2024.02.08 11:35": "Highest offer in PUZZLE will be accepted on 23/2/2024.

90% of sale value will go to BBB treasury, invested in BBB & WFS pool.

The project is dedicated to support Waves ecosystem by creating profit for it's holders, increase AMM liquidity and burning XTN and SURF tokens."

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