tx · rwbFdffQty9RRVWeqNtn14LqFTMJue3r2KXAAmfHLT1

3PC65E25F8h2767kk8yT2XwJKgMsRmkBiNF:  +1000000.00 Pixel token
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.03.16 01:03 [1439135] issue 3PC65E25F8h2767kk8yT2XwJKgMsRmkBiNF > SELF +1000000.00 Pixel token

{ "type": 3, "id": "rwbFdffQty9RRVWeqNtn14LqFTMJue3r2KXAAmfHLT1", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1552687452582, "version": 1, "sender": "3PC65E25F8h2767kk8yT2XwJKgMsRmkBiNF", "senderPublicKey": "2zWf9XqWSfU8hKGk6qMsAB4e4P32FhQKKU42Q9zUy8by", "proofs": [ "4zmFRZZ32KANGBaEoR54XrR4RDfRXibTSe7qkk2AfjUxFfwoDYztoB3euHTf1HVLHfvt9EsKnGeMxo1BqcXyjfcs" ], "signature": "4zmFRZZ32KANGBaEoR54XrR4RDfRXibTSe7qkk2AfjUxFfwoDYztoB3euHTf1HVLHfvt9EsKnGeMxo1BqcXyjfcs", "assetId": "rwbFdffQty9RRVWeqNtn14LqFTMJue3r2KXAAmfHLT1", "name": "Pixel token", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 2, "description": "Project:\nMillion pixels for 100 projects on the Waves Platform\non the project site - Million Millionaires!\n\nWe invite projects on the Waves Platform to unite our efforts!\n\nOur goal is to attract 1 million participants to our project!\nAnd we have a strategy for this!\nOn our website, we will advertise projects on the Waves Platform!\n\nWe will create an image of 1 million pixels on our website.\nThis image will display the projects logos on the Waves Platform.\nFor one project - 10,000 pixels.\n1 Pixel token = 1 Pixel. \n\nYou buy advertising space on our site once and your logo will always be on our site!\n\nProjects that join first will receive first place in this image after Waves and Vostok!\n\nLet's develop a community of Waves Together !!!\nhttps://t.me/MillionPixel", "height": 1439135, "spentComplexity": 0 }

42.47 ms