tx · AZ3bsCk7K7wzvsTB2VQt3PvFLR4k4ykW1CgjfqF1gRH4

3P8pynMcTyGQR3MmWW94cCXGtV3bB15ZmMA:  +155642.15700000 Phi-Chi
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2024.04.10 00:46 [4121751] issue 3P8pynMcTyGQR3MmWW94cCXGtV3bB15ZmMA > SELF +155642.15700000 Phi-Chi

{ "type": 3, "id": "AZ3bsCk7K7wzvsTB2VQt3PvFLR4k4ykW1CgjfqF1gRH4", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1712699150822, "version": 2, "sender": "3P8pynMcTyGQR3MmWW94cCXGtV3bB15ZmMA", "senderPublicKey": "2j7J16bMhRmM4ng1iFKae3SXDSkHu5uP3YC6BxMoKXrE", "proofs": [ "Q7aL2pSjYuge3qmB8vAQK6dXkhqr9gwJiWurhirJeuq6F8LAv7wK4xpUMR2k5Gw4APrQaravoP7PJwmo6URBRBo" ], "assetId": "AZ3bsCk7K7wzvsTB2VQt3PvFLR4k4ykW1CgjfqF1gRH4", "name": "Phi-Chi", "quantity": 15564215700000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Golden Ratio trading and charting deliver up-to-date professional charts, including insights from Technical Analysis, mainly ignoring news and focusing on the natural golden ratio hidden in the chaotic fractal of how humans trade sentiment with time-dependent prices.\n\nThis asset, Phi ($\\varphi = 1.618$ or $\\frac{ \\sqrt{5} +1 }{ 2 }$), relies on the intrinsic features where the ratios of division are congruent to subtracting the value from the total ratio: 1.618 - 1 = 0.618 = 1/1.618. There are no other values other than the multiplicities of the value Phi itself.\n\nThis token is used to tip other shareholders, traders, students, or tarot astrologists that provide community content and are intended to receive some value for it. All devotion to the golden, silver, or any other metallic ratio should be rewarded with this coin. The price of this coin will be what the fool is willing to pay for it.\n\nSupply starts @1618^(1.618) Phi-Chi. This street-credibility valuation Fibonacci = Reissuable", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 4121751, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

9.58 ms