tx · 4fgs17To2NVxQZsePVDpL2bUBSmtDVYj47ZCLd2DHC5o

3PJ29xDnd7QmqJMZaEZUyQzAfF4Z1u7T35c:  +10000000 ASSIF
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.06.23 01:30 [2118821] issue 3PJ29xDnd7QmqJMZaEZUyQzAfF4Z1u7T35c > SELF +10000000 ASSIF

{ "type": 3, "id": "4fgs17To2NVxQZsePVDpL2bUBSmtDVYj47ZCLd2DHC5o", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1592865024165, "version": 2, "sender": "3PJ29xDnd7QmqJMZaEZUyQzAfF4Z1u7T35c", "senderPublicKey": "89CMMLdpkrVbX9w8iBYEQpk2Mc8idLuZKJeCKbtjumDu", "proofs": [ "5wDkSnakk9cVDme1BVkYf5rQVN2Qwmf2k1d5f9Znv9L9Lm9pvcV1c26KVN2QNtxcfeBPA5yrN9SsJ7utR9PbzbVf" ], "assetId": "4fgs17To2NVxQZsePVDpL2bUBSmtDVYj47ZCLd2DHC5o", "name": "ASSIF", "quantity": 10000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "The "ASSIF" Token is the cryptocurrency of ASSIF, it is distributed by this company. Each possession of 1 ASSIF is worth a percentage share in the ASSIF company. The "ASSIF" can be purchased via the company's website to invest in it. Whoever holds it as savings (Staking) via the platform https://assif.fr, will receive interest in a "USDT" token directly transferred to their Wallet. More information on "https://assif.fr" //////////////////// https://assif.fr //////////////////// Le Token "ASSIF" est la crypto-monnaie de la société ASSIF, il est distribué par cette société. Chaque possession de 1 ASSIF vaut un pourcentage de part dans la société ASSIF. Le "ASSIF" peut être acheté via le site de la société pour investir dans cette dernière. Celui qui en détient à titre d'épargne (Staking) via la plateforme https://assif.fr , recevra des intérets en token "USDT" directement reversé sur son Wallet. Plus d'information sur "https://assif.fr"", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2118821, "spentComplexity": 0 }

20.49 ms