tx · HWuPTzayR1HbBxdCCqrk7tR6KRS6H8JtSsuU6ZyofTBn

3PK123maJuAVazfi65JKf7PfiFyc8DsiLxQ:  +1000000000000 AGO-Tykes
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.03.09 06:18 [1964107] issue 3PK123maJuAVazfi65JKf7PfiFyc8DsiLxQ > SELF +1000000000000 AGO-Tykes

{ "type": 3, "id": "HWuPTzayR1HbBxdCCqrk7tR6KRS6H8JtSsuU6ZyofTBn", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1583723935146, "version": 2, "sender": "3PK123maJuAVazfi65JKf7PfiFyc8DsiLxQ", "senderPublicKey": "3vs4ogVdmAZuzLa1hbH1CfgrZ8wkNAPFxGMDKGvMXfps", "proofs": [ "493WF2kMTsFmHBoDdS6XcWy9iLgWEBK1kaLdzD8tagQJrPjr1tgJJT1RPziXjgZB1ef46sp8nTjGrc7vtHi9bzoZ" ], "assetId": "HWuPTzayR1HbBxdCCqrk7tR6KRS6H8JtSsuU6ZyofTBn", "name": "AGO-Tykes", "quantity": 1000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "Stage 1 of ORZOcoin. Tykes have 6 tokens, there are 1 trillion of each Tykes tokens. Hold 100 million of each (6) Tykes tokens in order for Stage 2. Purchasing more than 100 million of each Tykes token will not be needed and could disqualify for ORZOcoin swap. Again, we recommend not to purchase more than the needed amount. Wallets will be under construction to lock the Tykes tokens for future ORZOcoin swap. Tykes tokens are Stage 1 of 3 Stages. After Tykes tokens there will be 4 Sib tokens. Stage 2 will be released after 500 billion of each Tykes tokens are being held. There are ONLY 1 million ORZOcoin released pre swap options. The remaining 99 million ORZOcoin will be required to be obtained from Swap ONLY. You must hold all 3 Stages tokens required to Swap for 1 ORZOcoin. Trading tokens are ok, but in order to swap you must only have amount required for each token in all 3 Stages. This is 6 of 6 Tykes tokens for ORZOcoin", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1964107, "spentComplexity": 0 }

26.56 ms