tx · 5oKehZdCtRzFmr52qBZ6oMmvzRCuNQVKsUoYrBwu11eV

3PK123maJuAVazfi65JKf7PfiFyc8DsiLxQ:  +270000 FatKidz
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.03.08 00:03 [1962293] issue 3PK123maJuAVazfi65JKf7PfiFyc8DsiLxQ > SELF +270000 FatKidz

{ "type": 3, "id": "5oKehZdCtRzFmr52qBZ6oMmvzRCuNQVKsUoYrBwu11eV", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1583615058270, "version": 2, "sender": "3PK123maJuAVazfi65JKf7PfiFyc8DsiLxQ", "senderPublicKey": "3vs4ogVdmAZuzLa1hbH1CfgrZ8wkNAPFxGMDKGvMXfps", "proofs": [ "2CrbiLUgg8zCcSCUnxfnF5XbjbZYmQyDxc4xhNYGapjJ4CsQFrz28CxhiDWH93SeywevFZbzfCSPdPLwiSG4PeRh" ], "assetId": "5oKehZdCtRzFmr52qBZ6oMmvzRCuNQVKsUoYrBwu11eV", "name": "FatKidz", "quantity": 270000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 0, "description": "FatKidz has been created to provide help in a few fields and will also develop linked tokens to help as well as direct into specified fields. There are fields such as food, fantasy games, investements, sports, logic and others that will be created in the future based on demands. FatKidz are the start up and can be held for value, trading on exchanges or swapped for advice from the FatKidz and any additional help that we can provide.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1962293, "spentComplexity": 0 }

16.13 ms