tx · HxFFiXjKDoT2jnMxeZhvAGBmBi6b97mH6cwBDXEJhD6T

3PQgaVmE7Zurn3xFMYtckah82PrWuaEcdhR:  -0.05000000 Waves

2020.02.10 15:53 [1923780] invoke 3PQgaVmE7Zurn3xFMYtckah82PrWuaEcdhR > 3PACABNmHuFyYXpD2phZcbsysXiiCkxvpLX addConsolidatedRisk()

3PACABNmHuFyYXpD2phZcbsysXiiCkxvpLX: HxFFiXjKDoT2jnMxeZhvAGBmBi6b97mH6cwBDXEJhD6T_consolidated_description: "Even tho the smart contract is accessible and visible by anyone, the lack of an "authority" who certifies and verifies SC is what scares the end user"
3PACABNmHuFyYXpD2phZcbsysXiiCkxvpLX: HxFFiXjKDoT2jnMxeZhvAGBmBi6b97mH6cwBDXEJhD6T_consolidated_name: "Lack of Transparency"

{ "type": 16, "id": "HxFFiXjKDoT2jnMxeZhvAGBmBi6b97mH6cwBDXEJhD6T", "fee": 5000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1581339229605, "version": 1, "sender": "3PQgaVmE7Zurn3xFMYtckah82PrWuaEcdhR", "senderPublicKey": "5vVaPZdbanoCfoGWPerWi3rVEAgcWvCT15AzuCXDMxUC", "proofs": [ "5XPDPUgjLN6XWJc2p56C68TkPGPoTM2BvvHBhDBHCawPnHRbuAtn54iwE71QDyt7sGArkuPs6p7z18qbs4ctmyx4" ], "dApp": "3PACABNmHuFyYXpD2phZcbsysXiiCkxvpLX", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "addConsolidatedRisk", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "Lack of Transparency" }, { "type": "string", "value": "Even tho the smart contract is accessible and visible by anyone, the lack of an "authority" who certifies and verifies SC is what scares the end user" } ] }, "height": 1923780, "spentComplexity": 178, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "HxFFiXjKDoT2jnMxeZhvAGBmBi6b97mH6cwBDXEJhD6T_consolidated_name", "type": "string", "value": "Lack of Transparency" }, { "key": "HxFFiXjKDoT2jnMxeZhvAGBmBi6b97mH6cwBDXEJhD6T_consolidated_description", "type": "string", "value": "Even tho the smart contract is accessible and visible by anyone, the lack of an "authority" who certifies and verifies SC is what scares the end user" } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

43.01 ms