tx · 7L7sP9Nv6Uu8TS5tdWNfKCJVrG3vRrcQwhEQdCr3MJTF

3P6Ew91tS2RyM7sECyBBkjH3g3uCVY2YzK5:  +130000000.00000000 Balkancoin(BKC)
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.01.01 18:16 [1865342] issue 3P6Ew91tS2RyM7sECyBBkjH3g3uCVY2YzK5 > SELF +130000000.00000000 Balkancoin(BKC) spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "7L7sP9Nv6Uu8TS5tdWNfKCJVrG3vRrcQwhEQdCr3MJTF", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1577891844388, "version": 2, "sender": "3P6Ew91tS2RyM7sECyBBkjH3g3uCVY2YzK5", "senderPublicKey": "14sprbhwynGB59GxkWiNMaQFkeSreGZ9ixpRzGwAEPZZ", "proofs": [ "YdGdUU8iFAfU4ytHZSKuWYMDpLq64yXsXUxb1zSSjYeZeLYJmqjvAsxUCwUNs6CD43ZAvHnD1WxYkyDjR5C9EUj" ], "assetId": "7L7sP9Nv6Uu8TS5tdWNfKCJVrG3vRrcQwhEQdCr3MJTF", "name": "Balkancoin(BKC)", "quantity": 13000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Balkan coin (BKC) is a cryptocurrency or a form of digital asset. It has a circulating supply of 130 Million coins and a max supply of 690 Million coins. The most active exchange that is trading Balkan coin is TradeOgre. Explore the address and transactions of Balkan coin on block explorers such as explorer.balkancoin.org and explorer2.balkancoin.org. Additional information about Balkan coin coin can be found at https://www.balkancoin.org/.\nburnaddress:bkc1bW7m4Lf59jqXbsnbaecf8F9gJTenp4vWuipSZzG3ViNxHa5ouvAjFq39WGSwHuCSRfLa7nqk82BjVr3kXZzY2AxWk56MDL\nwhat info you need to send to Telegram @BKCDevJack is:\n1- screenshot of your GUI wallet showing the balance\n2- used payment id\n3- your waves wallet address", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1865342, "spentComplexity": 0 }

22.18 ms