tx · 6pYqeF8H2E1vGEUyUyM9jaurWp2ts8vPdo4hPcSWT3Vk

3P3QTzKjj84dAuZQfuYVjE2Bvvn2exGtQQP:  +10000000000 HASH COIN
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.10.08 14:05 [1740964] issue 3P3QTzKjj84dAuZQfuYVjE2Bvvn2exGtQQP > SELF +10000000000 HASH COIN spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "6pYqeF8H2E1vGEUyUyM9jaurWp2ts8vPdo4hPcSWT3Vk", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1570532668009, "version": 2, "sender": "3P3QTzKjj84dAuZQfuYVjE2Bvvn2exGtQQP", "senderPublicKey": "723Acs8hRMxj79hwDGhbD8maBKgCopQrkUKo1saeZUYm", "proofs": [ "4n9xCudwxMCABhwZBQApfVcyDZFh67HiYkimQH7KtMYWnQdqdiqJwvm6tbBYbSfkiAYnBTK75TKf6kRvApM6r8Fo" ], "assetId": "6pYqeF8H2E1vGEUyUyM9jaurWp2ts8vPdo4hPcSWT3Vk", "name": "HASH COIN", "quantity": 10000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "Disrupting the centralised nature of mining and the way benefits are shared. ASIC manufacturing companies around the world are using our funds to buy hashpower for mining BitCoin, Ether and, etc. HASH COIN aims to eliminate the barrier caused by expensive mining hardware, we just want mining to be simple so everyone can enjoy (cloud mining) with HASH COIN. Own hashpower and lifetime contract with HASH COIN. The token supply is capped at 10 Billion so that everyone and anyone can participate in the benefits of cryptocurrency.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1740964, "spentComplexity": 0 }

26.71 ms