tx · 2w5HwRCyEssoZJyfqyegKHxE7a57y4jf1PaeJKC3Sbgk

3PHVvkyTe8s1jUqZdwYWnHDdgYE27J9NSUm:  +100000000 Smartblockchain
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.09.22 19:49 [1717892] issue 3PHVvkyTe8s1jUqZdwYWnHDdgYE27J9NSUm > SELF +100000000 Smartblockchain

{ "type": 3, "id": "2w5HwRCyEssoZJyfqyegKHxE7a57y4jf1PaeJKC3Sbgk", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1569170668123, "version": 2, "sender": "3PHVvkyTe8s1jUqZdwYWnHDdgYE27J9NSUm", "senderPublicKey": "2cfQR7F7oRLet81JuxtKN9e4aKPBXRRNFLwDVfx2S2he", "proofs": [ "2Uj1zKCBbotLoxTZiMdDKUUM1rmPcCcVScGvnDw9AUpUrB7Xfx9ReGPHtVbaT26B3PReMiCGzCa3Ae95EmE5P7Da" ], "assetId": "2w5HwRCyEssoZJyfqyegKHxE7a57y4jf1PaeJKC3Sbgk", "name": "Smartblockchain", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "This cryptoactive (Smartblockchain), has been designed by the smart-community of (myblockchainlottery) for the rebuilding and ownership of the global platform and systems of myblockchainlotterry.com as well as the distribution of profits for the largest number of shares, this cryptoactive It is a formal representation in international markets at commercial level, each of these crypto assets represents a smart-action, which can be freely marketed by the holders of each of these actions in the global supply and demand market, in this smart-contrac is formally preset before the global platform of wavesplatform.com which are the only actions that will be issued for 100 years. amount of single smart-shares is (100,000,000 smartblockchain). The information on marketing formalities and their operating structure for each of these smart-actions will be published at www.myblockchainlotottery.com.\nsmart contract made by the blockchainlottery smart community. \n(100.000.000 smartblockchain)", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1717892, "spentComplexity": 0 }

31.29 ms