2019.09.07 02:08 [1694826] issue 3PCu6pCgXbChN6CQJpeyfoKxt8wSYmAD35d > SELF +10000000000.00 Indulgentia

{ "type": 3, "id": "Pmapw9s8Guw762nk2cTtZDKCbF1GECA8GAiEeXiKS7s", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1567811230955, "version": 2, "sender": "3PCu6pCgXbChN6CQJpeyfoKxt8wSYmAD35d", "senderPublicKey": "ELMTRGPFbzJXTje1buMD8VM7SeDxiXRjjv77B9jqTbEH", "proofs": [ "121uzLrFCAu3fC2FWZezz6cqitHa3JiboEjDFT2TDCZsFmKoKWA36uBuPKCEhkQFvHAdHDVvFqsCejunqHaADpwX" ], "assetId": "Pmapw9s8Guw762nk2cTtZDKCbF1GECA8GAiEeXiKS7s", "name": "Indulgentia", "quantity": 1000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 2, "description": "Indulgentia is the Philanthropy token to be used on Indulgentia Pluru Unum's website. Use cases: Tracking, engagement with volunteers, stream-lining donations, voting, crowdfunding, P2P individualized donations, micropayments. Indulgentia Pluru Unum is a philanthropic website focusing on individuals needs in the real world. Setting up financial future, housing, and basic needs.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1694826, "spentComplexity": 0 }

23.19 ms