tx · HDidTxVMidYx6Bep1H7dattoSb2GECe1tDUX6BzmPyia

3PPKf1vdTcRBJnqFyhBKm4oxohDc1TFzGDJ:  +1000000.00 RevolutionToken
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.02.25 18:34 [1412371] issue 3PPKf1vdTcRBJnqFyhBKm4oxohDc1TFzGDJ > SELF +1000000.00 RevolutionToken

{ "type": 3, "id": "HDidTxVMidYx6Bep1H7dattoSb2GECe1tDUX6BzmPyia", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1551108993413, "version": 2, "sender": "3PPKf1vdTcRBJnqFyhBKm4oxohDc1TFzGDJ", "senderPublicKey": "3qFEvcBB7JjT8YGjX3o7oA87W6FXeZiisoyN4Nta6ACE", "proofs": [ "yK5wG37jg67zhUQ5gjfriuymGnvwtUtuvttMVUaKHXe7ZYnjhr9LqnNysUJ1ZKK2T5rfPWv3H21GKBaCDYWH1Qe" ], "assetId": "HDidTxVMidYx6Bep1H7dattoSb2GECe1tDUX6BzmPyia", "name": "RevolutionToken", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 2, "description": "We created a RevolutionToken to further promote our RevolutionProActiv Node. 50 percent of the RevolutionToken will be reserved. On the launch day of the RevolutionProActiv node, we will present 10 percent of the Revolution token to random WAVES users. If you participate in the RevolutionProActiv Node for less than 30 days, we give the RevolutionToken. If you participate in the RevolutionProActiv Node for more than 30 days, we give the RevolutionToken and ProActivToken. The launch of RevolutionProActiv Node is scheduled for the second half of March.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1412371, "spentComplexity": 0 }

33.32 ms