tx · 5heuwmmmUmBVwNEQtRSFTFuNJBFSJfdFXjeiuomTW4Le

3PJnwSbFMA4F7dBHhJUK8MyVWCtE77SHM3G:  +50000000.0000000 KEEPS
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.02.03 20:58 [864053] issue 3PJnwSbFMA4F7dBHhJUK8MyVWCtE77SHM3G > SELF +50000000.0000000 KEEPS

{ "type": 3, "id": "5heuwmmmUmBVwNEQtRSFTFuNJBFSJfdFXjeiuomTW4Le", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1517680687450, "version": 1, "sender": "3PJnwSbFMA4F7dBHhJUK8MyVWCtE77SHM3G", "senderPublicKey": "FegujZrjtcf8kSybUmz15wVzd4PUqhEoTKgWS6cXmz3z", "proofs": [ "3JikvTSpoQKB9FvwFCdDnLSt2TsJwgLJbQigUyMRSAHKc92CrMmkqp7RZpXusRYyGAyhk2yrcacUmSS5g5Cfmq63" ], "signature": "3JikvTSpoQKB9FvwFCdDnLSt2TsJwgLJbQigUyMRSAHKc92CrMmkqp7RZpXusRYyGAyhk2yrcacUmSS5g5Cfmq63", "assetId": "5heuwmmmUmBVwNEQtRSFTFuNJBFSJfdFXjeiuomTW4Le", "name": "KEEPS", "quantity": 500000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 7, "description": "Token KEEPS, this is a coin for participation in the interactive championship Keepstep. Any person can participate in the competition. The conditions are indicated on the website Naletik.com.\n First of all, 50 000 000 coins were created. The reward will be paid to the player for each participation in the amount of up to 20 coins. Participation in the verification of other players is valued up to 10 coins.\n When the coins are exhausted, the next batch will be released again, and the payouts to the players will be reduced by half. Over time, the number of participants will be more and more, and earning coins will be increasingly difficult.\n YouTube channel - sailor Santa. Site - Naletik.com.", "height": 864053, "spentComplexity": 0 }

56.12 ms