tx · 6egJZ7WKKnY8HaBSnnahtmmoa1x2mBJViBWWkxwgU2nq

3PApLRpUzyHgrELzVTbMQ5X4VvLStfMJCAf:  +130000000000000.00 GlobalThalersGTH
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.09.16 01:08 [1174283] issue 3PApLRpUzyHgrELzVTbMQ5X4VvLStfMJCAf > SELF +130000000000000.00 GlobalThalersGTH

{ "type": 3, "id": "6egJZ7WKKnY8HaBSnnahtmmoa1x2mBJViBWWkxwgU2nq", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1537049314493, "version": 1, "sender": "3PApLRpUzyHgrELzVTbMQ5X4VvLStfMJCAf", "senderPublicKey": "74GrTtdH4o6Lyd9SsNsEKz2ZjRsNLiPh9h5srZehi9W2", "proofs": [ "32gdMiGv7xquk1kGYf5n9jvEHNQDwdfMT6CXCcUqydx7KWNHALd6Tou6SUFvFfBMoeJ3hRkqrNAdUrMXoXeR9Kzs" ], "signature": "32gdMiGv7xquk1kGYf5n9jvEHNQDwdfMT6CXCcUqydx7KWNHALd6Tou6SUFvFfBMoeJ3hRkqrNAdUrMXoXeR9Kzs", "assetId": "6egJZ7WKKnY8HaBSnnahtmmoa1x2mBJViBWWkxwgU2nq", "name": "GlobalThalersGTH", "quantity": 13000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 2, "description": "Global Thalers (GTH) is a stable cryptocurrency based on world real gross domestic product (GDP) for the fair benefit of the world population. The maximum supply of GTH is based on world real GDP, world human population, real world GDP growth rate and other related metrics. Decentralisation, scalability, cost effectiveness, full convertibility, security & modern people identity methods are among the attributes built into GTH architecture. Decentralisation is taken to the extent that the world population is decentralised. GTH is meant for full convertibility at market rates against all fiat currencies and crypto currencies. Its design and determining metrics effectively make GTH a hedge against inflation of fiat currencies and other crypto currencies. At inception in 2018 one GTH was equivalent to one USD (1GTH to 1USD). The early holders of the GTH will be generously rewarded by bonus issues of GTH to them at the end of each calendar year.", "height": 1174283, "spentComplexity": 0 }

48.52 ms