tx · 6bfoYPz8jF6i8H9SJQ9DVeQapafrSs1C6crH3YYBULsG

3PEZFN8KVhhcTuvHJyURpvJHfYVBmib2Ypr:  +500000000.00000000 Maza LE
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.09.05 20:02 [1159349] issue 3PEZFN8KVhhcTuvHJyURpvJHfYVBmib2Ypr > SELF +500000000.00000000 Maza LE

{ "type": 3, "id": "6bfoYPz8jF6i8H9SJQ9DVeQapafrSs1C6crH3YYBULsG", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1536166925123, "version": 1, "sender": "3PEZFN8KVhhcTuvHJyURpvJHfYVBmib2Ypr", "senderPublicKey": "9mGxZSPcAPaeotYBRQpCYs1Sznan3PdZcCpCY2FzuKUn", "proofs": [ "2Wjk6SpZzqM5Zmp8732j6hYKjjFAb8zZ9rFC6NmqWD2fC3oETYjQd53ktKLpD7HQ8pnAUEUi67Ph6NLNCTP2iX3b" ], "signature": "2Wjk6SpZzqM5Zmp8732j6hYKjjFAb8zZ9rFC6NmqWD2fC3oETYjQd53ktKLpD7HQ8pnAUEUi67Ph6NLNCTP2iX3b", "assetId": "6bfoYPz8jF6i8H9SJQ9DVeQapafrSs1C6crH3YYBULsG", "name": "Maza LE", "quantity": 50000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Maza begun as a simple crypto currency back in 2013 with a focus on impacting the Native American economies for the better. We have since re positioned ourselved in order to leverage the full potential of blockchain technology in a effort to help tribal and emerging nations gain a better foothold in the overall global community, come along with us as we step into the future", "height": 1159349, "spentComplexity": 0 }

34.36 ms