2018.06.03 06:32 [1026055] issue 3P4q4wpqBsj7FEnomkC86FNzThenyCBDhub > SELF +100000000.00 Zanjabil

{ "type": 3, "id": "EmmxBvkwx2bAxfonb7E9uML37VULC65QeZA5LKssUSFB", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1527996838024, "version": 1, "sender": "3P4q4wpqBsj7FEnomkC86FNzThenyCBDhub", "senderPublicKey": "6sRdLyyh9dH8buMXEk9urDCTswHe3nT6eb18mpU4Lrsi", "proofs": [ "3LoiyVewAUKz9VAZamkSccRwQQFjDjkD9b7n9LzjqaeCehaULQNN8zer87jofjBAMtvAuFXgmm3Wg62o2zk8PvCU" ], "signature": "3LoiyVewAUKz9VAZamkSccRwQQFjDjkD9b7n9LzjqaeCehaULQNN8zer87jofjBAMtvAuFXgmm3Wg62o2zk8PvCU", "assetId": "EmmxBvkwx2bAxfonb7E9uML37VULC65QeZA5LKssUSFB", "name": "Zanjabil", "quantity": 10000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 2, "description": "Zanjabil token specifically created to support our team venture into agriculture related business.We plan to make Zanjabil token as valuable as possible in the future. We are very commited to make Zanjabil Token as an utility token and an asset for their owner of Zanjabil Token by giving dividend or buyback of Zanjabil token in open market.For the early phase we decide to distribute Zanjabil Token to Waves client account holders soon via airdrop.We also plan to distributed it to other channel (via exchanges, airdrop) in the future .We also did not ruled out to make Initial Coin Offering (ICO) if the need arises.We committed to make Zanjabil Token great and successful. Any information related to Zanjabil Token can be read via zanjabil agro in facebook and twitter .Communications via other channel like website still in progress . Until then keep happy and pray Zanjabil project will be a success project and give return to their tokenholders .thank you", "height": 1026055, "spentComplexity": 0 }

51.33 ms