tx · 59ZFtTyuznT1Jnot4Psf6Y4bf8veGbjnCLiZ4RZBTXBZ

3PMbJ7YRnGQLdaJ7WkMU6fJKYUHbJsf3qzo:  +2830109970.0000 USDT
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.06.02 22:41 [1025624] issue 3PMbJ7YRnGQLdaJ7WkMU6fJKYUHbJsf3qzo > SELF +2830109970.0000 USDT spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "59ZFtTyuznT1Jnot4Psf6Y4bf8veGbjnCLiZ4RZBTXBZ", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1527968581371, "version": 1, "sender": "3PMbJ7YRnGQLdaJ7WkMU6fJKYUHbJsf3qzo", "senderPublicKey": "5tq95FV2ZdtoYA7gZ7YRUxx5LkdCebdRWJ9Rp4ShsYkZ", "proofs": [ "4kBELrGUjvkX4wrLamqZKt9KK8nvPRC2wwWHYPS7AL4KULGojhJyWntCof8GyhvqGfaxkCHNaPvN8STsY1pLN2gr" ], "signature": "4kBELrGUjvkX4wrLamqZKt9KK8nvPRC2wwWHYPS7AL4KULGojhJyWntCof8GyhvqGfaxkCHNaPvN8STsY1pLN2gr", "assetId": "59ZFtTyuznT1Jnot4Psf6Y4bf8veGbjnCLiZ4RZBTXBZ", "name": "USDT", "quantity": 28301099700000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 4, "description": "USDT is the token Tether USD of Tether's USD. 1USDT=1 dollars, users can always use USDT and USD for 1:1 exchange. Tether company implements the 1:1 reserve guarantee system, that is, each USDT token will have a reserve of 1 US dollars, which will support the constant USDT price. How much USDT is the unit price of a digital asset, so how much is its unit price (USD)? Because USDT is equivalent to the equivalent amount of US dollar, it is a relatively stable digital asset. When the market price fluctuates drastically, users can replace the block chain assets in the account to USDT, so as to maintain the value and avoid risks", "height": 1025624, "spentComplexity": 0 }

58.40 ms