tx · 7Neyj8fAeF5vNHXeaNmjn5sGBJvxQ8MQvGmjD7zHiUGw

3PLnY3PicNy3scHwXKebucuj6gUQHVDvVAK:  +130000000.0000 NestCoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.04.27 01:44 [976301] issue 3PLnY3PicNy3scHwXKebucuj6gUQHVDvVAK > SELF +130000000.0000 NestCoin

{ "type": 3, "id": "7Neyj8fAeF5vNHXeaNmjn5sGBJvxQ8MQvGmjD7zHiUGw", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1524782854485, "version": 1, "sender": "3PLnY3PicNy3scHwXKebucuj6gUQHVDvVAK", "senderPublicKey": "3ipBVrMXjDDs6S3J2Tzyz9cpavKNVDxR3oQ3zNJaNay9", "proofs": [ "5sVDWFuH5dobhpUJd1kwhP3WyR3kdG6BaLTXgGNZ6RRXZFSUuasUmE6q1ZkKkgFYr6zCCbasojSYFykqfLCkrsGd" ], "signature": "5sVDWFuH5dobhpUJd1kwhP3WyR3kdG6BaLTXgGNZ6RRXZFSUuasUmE6q1ZkKkgFYr6zCCbasojSYFykqfLCkrsGd", "assetId": "7Neyj8fAeF5vNHXeaNmjn5sGBJvxQ8MQvGmjD7zHiUGw", "name": "NestCoin", "quantity": 1300000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 4, "description": "NestCoin is a fund raising token in order to run the various projects of www.nestwelfare.org projects. Nest Welfare Organization is different from the rest of its peers as it primarily focuses itself on real-world issues. \n\nVisit our site to learn more about us. NWO mainly focuses on human development and empowerment. We want to build world class institutions for everyone at any age. We aim to do much more then just educate anyone - we want to become a world class certifications institute. This means that whatever we certify should have credibility. NWO will be the only foundation in the world that will fully exploit new disruptive technologies to empower people by turning them into game changers of the future. We plan to launch the world's first ever Virtual Country. Yes, it's possible using decentralized technology. A single Digitally generated ID would be your passport.We are extensively working on this 24/7.Buying our token will help us move at a faster pace to benefit contributors", "height": 976301, "spentComplexity": 0 }

43.73 ms