tx · FWD4o3HUNKXzNtJnG75LhXYhL6anhuk8MeRHCtULnGdw

3PBQzrwovy1G5yoA6dWLsXfj117TW2T91Lg:  +150000000.000 TheMiningCo Coin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.03.31 07:46 [940124] issue 3PBQzrwovy1G5yoA6dWLsXfj117TW2T91Lg > SELF +150000000.000 TheMiningCo Coin

{ "type": 3, "id": "FWD4o3HUNKXzNtJnG75LhXYhL6anhuk8MeRHCtULnGdw", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1522471639959, "version": 1, "sender": "3PBQzrwovy1G5yoA6dWLsXfj117TW2T91Lg", "senderPublicKey": "JCNZTS4Ho6ojFdVpnFW8GVJBiMbhDmnJr4iCpWWm3upn", "proofs": [ "3z8XR6v3Pzqrpyya5jakCtwbFhU9kPMdxoTCgjYq2YNXPov9XpNuk1RBZTfC8qB5q9U89qgKK2tWmeoE2QnuwG96" ], "signature": "3z8XR6v3Pzqrpyya5jakCtwbFhU9kPMdxoTCgjYq2YNXPov9XpNuk1RBZTfC8qB5q9U89qgKK2tWmeoE2QnuwG96", "assetId": "FWD4o3HUNKXzNtJnG75LhXYhL6anhuk8MeRHCtULnGdw", "name": "TheMiningCo Coin", "quantity": 150000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 3, "description": "The Mining Co is launching a concept of connecting physical Gold mining with Blockchain (which uses its own form of mining). We also represent, as a first, to market a Gold Mining project via a crowd-funding ICO- through Blockchain optimization for the exploitation of the Gold mine. Our goal is to raise $50,000,000 to $60,000,000. USD. With a Geological Report Certifying an estimated Valuation of $10 billion to $19 billion in Gold profits to be realized.", "height": 940124, "spentComplexity": 0 }

55.90 ms