tx · CaBdsLvU5ezAMVCLoVa3Y3AmQwmi2nnqi4aWvqez2C3B

3P4hvae3ZGrLb49jW11wS9RySTm51pABQnQ:  +500000000.0 HubCoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.03.08 23:37 [909832] issue 3P4hvae3ZGrLb49jW11wS9RySTm51pABQnQ > SELF +500000000.0 HubCoin

{ "type": 3, "id": "CaBdsLvU5ezAMVCLoVa3Y3AmQwmi2nnqi4aWvqez2C3B", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1520541662435, "version": 1, "sender": "3P4hvae3ZGrLb49jW11wS9RySTm51pABQnQ", "senderPublicKey": "Hq6RQhtBB7VirmikwN7Papy4xhtq48nzRy4s6vXAxU87", "proofs": [ "3o9qvanqYvJ7Sp5PoRTv9kFsSmJjPyPxxHMthWwfjkTFRMCrH2JBpwFYS7ETtLjRd6EW72uy93aeruD2mKNQ4CLb" ], "signature": "3o9qvanqYvJ7Sp5PoRTv9kFsSmJjPyPxxHMthWwfjkTFRMCrH2JBpwFYS7ETtLjRd6EW72uy93aeruD2mKNQ4CLb", "assetId": "CaBdsLvU5ezAMVCLoVa3Y3AmQwmi2nnqi4aWvqez2C3B", "name": "HubCoin", "quantity": 5000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 1, "description": "Welcome to HubCoin! Introducing HubCoin, the currency that innovates Cryptotrading to some extent where everyone can benefit! What is a HubCoin? A HubCoin is a hybrid cryptocurrency that was created for people to use as they wish. How many HubCoin will there be? 500 million HubCoin will be available in the market, to keep things short; Grab them now, for we will stop leaving them soon!", "height": 909832, "spentComplexity": 0 }

62.77 ms