tx · 6diUnc7xwoFerjUx7SaZPqMMCGp5MiELPoSB7LapiSEc

3P8fu3GpnbGUTerZndLGUSFy8R43W6ss7q4:  +100000000.00000000 FARMICO
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.01.19 03:53 [842326] issue 3P8fu3GpnbGUTerZndLGUSFy8R43W6ss7q4 > SELF +100000000.00000000 FARMICO

{ "type": 3, "id": "6diUnc7xwoFerjUx7SaZPqMMCGp5MiELPoSB7LapiSEc", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1516323291218, "version": 1, "sender": "3P8fu3GpnbGUTerZndLGUSFy8R43W6ss7q4", "senderPublicKey": "BGgWc86pdSuQVC2nSS9tNMRY8RT5KyDJYTkYRf5wKH3V", "proofs": [ "JnduSe5jmzsx2cP1TWNhfupAsDtzxNe44JWsnzoGSH7nRfk2p8P5HeGH9q7GhG4eqYjM7kDxtNR3AYHYUmZXaBk" ], "signature": "JnduSe5jmzsx2cP1TWNhfupAsDtzxNe44JWsnzoGSH7nRfk2p8P5HeGH9q7GhG4eqYjM7kDxtNR3AYHYUmZXaBk", "assetId": "6diUnc7xwoFerjUx7SaZPqMMCGp5MiELPoSB7LapiSEc", "name": "FARMICO", "quantity": 10000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Crowdfunding & ICO platform for investing in agriculture & food production. It's a new ecosystem where new private farms will be born.\nFarmico platform allows everyone to become a farm owner anywhere in the world. You invest in your own or collective farm to produce organic food for yourself, for sale or exchange to other food or service on Farmico marketplace.\nFarmico is a farm management system and food production tracking based on Blockchain.\nNo bubbles like other ICOs - real Life, real Needs, real Production, real Economy, real Earnings.\nNo intermediaries - You invest, You produce, You sale, You consume.\nWe take care about the infrastructure, we control & take care about organic food production standards.\nWe brake existing monopolies and make organic nutrition easier for less money than you can buy in the groceries and farmer's markets.\nWe change the world to better.\n\nFor more information follow us:\nhttps://farmico.io\nTelegram: @Farmico\nTwitter: @FarmicoIO\nFacebook: @FarmicoIO", "height": 842326, "spentComplexity": 0 }

58.81 ms