tx · E95jzC3dgnUntHGCqR92upF6ZcsVP5Uka6MxaJfc8E1g

3P77dwFC51Bwts9rzMpbStznt6wz8G9nFHF:  +100000000000.000 TriesteCoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.11.29 11:53 [772347] issue 3P77dwFC51Bwts9rzMpbStznt6wz8G9nFHF > SELF +100000000000.000 TriesteCoin

{ "type": 3, "id": "E95jzC3dgnUntHGCqR92upF6ZcsVP5Uka6MxaJfc8E1g", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1511945499520, "version": 1, "sender": "3P77dwFC51Bwts9rzMpbStznt6wz8G9nFHF", "senderPublicKey": "9AqYJMQkKzDbwDYqrNFWccsF8HMREn2eWpPxv1EJrLED", "proofs": [ "ZtXzRDn2QkUDkNgTgB4ekRS2Upsv3efM8PSXT6HgSTvPuT62oipEYJ9seKJeixbDrGeeWYi5MEATpDdhwLLuNiV" ], "signature": "ZtXzRDn2QkUDkNgTgB4ekRS2Upsv3efM8PSXT6HgSTvPuT62oipEYJ9seKJeixbDrGeeWYi5MEATpDdhwLLuNiV", "assetId": "E95jzC3dgnUntHGCqR92upF6ZcsVP5Uka6MxaJfc8E1g", "name": "TriesteCoin", "quantity": 100000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 3, "description": "TriesteCoin\nMoneta Tergestina\nThe Free Territory of Trieste - F.T.T. is established and recognized since 15 September 1947 as a Member State de jure of the United Nations, under the aegis of the Security Council and with an international Free Port by virtue of Resolution S/RES/16 (1947) of the Security Council and of the Treaty of Peace with Italy signed at Paris on 10 February 1947, and with the successive territorial changes occurred with Security Council Resolutions S/RES/753(1992) and S/RES/754 (1992). Therefore, the Free Territory of Trieste is one of the eight micro-states of Europe, along with Monaco, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, San Marino, Vatican City, Andorra and Malta. It has an established tradition of independence since the XIII century, confirmed through half a millennium of voluntary connection with Austria (1382-1918), interrupted by 27 years of Italian occupation and annexation (1918-45).", "height": 772347, "spentComplexity": 0 }

273.81 ms