tx · EETZeMTsmrxcKgWtBqrCLB4tz1KNkepvezstHfWf72be

3P9Ck86XVLVbUKcTYUedoC54oyT2qjPcPJu:  +1000000 LGNX
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.06.06 03:55 [526875] issue 3P9Ck86XVLVbUKcTYUedoC54oyT2qjPcPJu > SELF +1000000 LGNX

{ "type": 3, "id": "EETZeMTsmrxcKgWtBqrCLB4tz1KNkepvezstHfWf72be", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1496710494141, "version": 1, "sender": "3P9Ck86XVLVbUKcTYUedoC54oyT2qjPcPJu", "senderPublicKey": "5z8vLuUavM3LuFusS6MgW5iToeEjJeCDLb2NJ3LTdjPM", "proofs": [ "4Gtv7egQnDNERxobKhyLYq592nef4qJC96pS4t4QACyf2UkQEXso2rsL5xhN6n82rhhc5yn9YB4YU2Vv5UfAkXqm" ], "signature": "4Gtv7egQnDNERxobKhyLYq592nef4qJC96pS4t4QACyf2UkQEXso2rsL5xhN6n82rhhc5yn9YB4YU2Vv5UfAkXqm", "assetId": "EETZeMTsmrxcKgWtBqrCLB4tz1KNkepvezstHfWf72be", "name": "LGNX", "quantity": 1000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 0, "description": "LGNX is the Worlds first actively managed Cryptocurrency Index Coin built on Waves Smart Contract technology. When you acquire the LGNX coin, its value is redistributed amongst 10 other coins in different percentages, giving you immediate exposure to a vastly more diversified market. LGNX is actively managed by a team of seasoned analysts whose only mission is to maximize profits, and minimize losses in the altcoin market.", "height": 526875, "spentComplexity": 0 }

73.97 ms