tx · 4qd37W1SN7oftRpNPNb7m6mZWoCcgRM6k3oDryEt9wdJ

3PQznPqWo7g5v3Audotw1BFdPtVrZ8xT8KR:  +500000000.00000000 Drill $ity
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2024.03.25 02:11 [4098703] issue 3PQznPqWo7g5v3Audotw1BFdPtVrZ8xT8KR > SELF +500000000.00000000 Drill $ity

{ "type": 3, "id": "4qd37W1SN7oftRpNPNb7m6mZWoCcgRM6k3oDryEt9wdJ", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1711321873944, "version": 2, "sender": "3PQznPqWo7g5v3Audotw1BFdPtVrZ8xT8KR", "senderPublicKey": "F8RdufgCnpRUbz1XE6vp6ie937zEMgW93hVWMHteyXA1", "proofs": [ "3qRSbN6wteEcuFoXyFL5pUQkiN4w7ijQKCqDvTWfAxeYqpZL2bsqPww8jFQhM3mWyDzcRY9xHfDi1rbFXPS5mtW4" ], "assetId": "4qd37W1SN7oftRpNPNb7m6mZWoCcgRM6k3oDryEt9wdJ", "name": "Drill $ity", "quantity": 50000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Drill $ity is a community base company created for the people by the people. What we do here at Drill $ity is take the talent, creativity, and equally all the unique gifts that lay dormant in and throughout our inner sities then heavily invest in that talent to create the next big artist of tomorrow. Our investment in the inner sity youth underlie the potential of the creative process of the future and their success in society.\nWhen it comes to music, Drip $ity is poised to reshape how smaller artist secure funding creating a transformative impact on the digital content economy. This model stands as a testament to Drill $ity's commitment to innovation, financial empowerment and fostering a direct connection between talent & its audience.\nRemember we spell $ity with a $ because we are Drilling for $uccess.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 4098703, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

8.55 ms