tx · 8fAagG36Qx6qtX7CJWhkNFiwfMsmgS64geEXpRM1MVQD

3PQVeFgGqcV2GpHKxEkYRJoPn8oG7ZAQyup:  +15000000000.00 Mach3
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.08.12 19:34 [2720236] issue 3PQVeFgGqcV2GpHKxEkYRJoPn8oG7ZAQyup > SELF +15000000000.00 Mach3 spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "8fAagG36Qx6qtX7CJWhkNFiwfMsmgS64geEXpRM1MVQD", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1628786013918, "version": 2, "sender": "3PQVeFgGqcV2GpHKxEkYRJoPn8oG7ZAQyup", "senderPublicKey": "FxNySxp8dhUkHQH6W9ZgPCQp2x3WLXqQMz6ApkA99Nig", "proofs": [ "3cx3UyruEDmv9stSDyT8NYkADaaqLa2RW71T4xd2c1fgbyhqwr5w935hens56GX2uUuiMSuQPmo9fbAkeh3Q4qab" ], "assetId": "8fAagG36Qx6qtX7CJWhkNFiwfMsmgS64geEXpRM1MVQD", "name": "Mach3", "quantity": 1500000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 2, "description": "Mach3 - Universal decentralized crypto asset exchange, based on Binance Smart Chain. \nDirections: - Cryptocurrency Exchange; - DeFi; - Farming; - Staking; - Mining; - Creation and sale of NFT. Application of Mach3 : - participation in Launch Pool, Launch Pad, Liquidity provision, Farming, Staking, Mining, Create NFT, Buy tokens on Mach3, Listing tokens on Mach3.\n\nMach3 token will be created on four blockchains: Waves, Cardano, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain. \nPre Sale Mach3 tokens on Waves Platform 12 August 2021. Holders Mach3 on Waves will be rewarded every day until the end of April 2022 Reward for 10 Mach3: - 1 USDT per day. \nThe minimum balance to receive a reward is 5000 Mach3\n\n25% of the Mach3 tokens until November will be burned\n\nMach3Dex will go online at October/2021", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2720236, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

19.33 ms