tx · C21FM2SnLNNkD6LbGsm7sbW1WRTnDgbqz2KsCknyMeFo

3PBQzrwovy1G5yoA6dWLsXfj117TW2T91Lg:  +10000000000.000000 VuVies
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.01.08 05:33 [2407636] issue 3PBQzrwovy1G5yoA6dWLsXfj117TW2T91Lg > SELF +10000000000.000000 VuVies spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "C21FM2SnLNNkD6LbGsm7sbW1WRTnDgbqz2KsCknyMeFo", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1610073100161, "version": 2, "sender": "3PBQzrwovy1G5yoA6dWLsXfj117TW2T91Lg", "senderPublicKey": "JCNZTS4Ho6ojFdVpnFW8GVJBiMbhDmnJr4iCpWWm3upn", "proofs": [ "28qySGFnZRb7k6fskyK8EqEqGdgYxKjmzX3nGq1oT19Yf9XW2d1qYquTLs2wUkWui7CPbPQXWwhc9GULSCVxBBgH" ], "assetId": "C21FM2SnLNNkD6LbGsm7sbW1WRTnDgbqz2KsCknyMeFo", "name": "VuVies", "quantity": 10000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 6, "description": "VuVies coins is the Native Token for Vuvies.com a (VOD/OTT) Digital Streaming Platform, and for Global Harbor Studios (fintech solutions) in financing of movies, film & micro tv-series shows. Subscribers can use Tokens for Pay per/View Content, and other related Vuvies or GlobalHarbor Studio e-commerce platforms. \nVuvies is a cryptocurrency w/Blockchain transaction accounting for Consumer use payment solutions for the Vuvies platform and e-Store for Merchandise & Rewards earnings. Vuvies.com also offers digital pymnt. solutions that allows Content Creators to earn & receive payments in BTC cryptocurrency & top alt-coins.\nVuVies is a Waves based token w/Smart Contract & Atomic swap features in a decentralized exchange w/fiat gateways & tradable w/Crypto Kings; MooviCoin; BTC-Movie & MoviiToknz coins as well other top Cryptos in Waves DEX.\n10,000,000,000 tokens; reissuable.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2407636, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

28.23 ms