tx · 38ptxT8DupUkoYh4659HDM84Un7tMG74Hwd74jPmFMkM

3PBQzrwovy1G5yoA6dWLsXfj117TW2T91Lg:  +5000000000.000000 Moovi-Coinz
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.11.16 03:38 [2330970] issue 3PBQzrwovy1G5yoA6dWLsXfj117TW2T91Lg > SELF +5000000000.000000 Moovi-Coinz spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "38ptxT8DupUkoYh4659HDM84Un7tMG74Hwd74jPmFMkM", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1605487214135, "version": 2, "sender": "3PBQzrwovy1G5yoA6dWLsXfj117TW2T91Lg", "senderPublicKey": "JCNZTS4Ho6ojFdVpnFW8GVJBiMbhDmnJr4iCpWWm3upn", "proofs": [ "61nPxqmFCwru2bax8ZTqHEcV9NrGPiq86bUeuNY3PhT1V5HNhWFKso8ULuTXC6as2qvVLxxhSXFvzReZ6uyp4tJR" ], "assetId": "38ptxT8DupUkoYh4659HDM84Un7tMG74Hwd74jPmFMkM", "name": "Moovi-Coinz", "quantity": 5000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 6, "description": "Moovi-Coinz token for use as a digital (FinTech) Coin for Business Solutions use for Movie Studios & Production Companies- for funding; to Talent acquisitions, for agencies and Guilds worldwide- for digital payments solutions and transactional use- via a multi-Currency digital Waves DEX Wallet. Moovi-Coinz is a cryptocurrency w/Blockchain Tech (w/Smart Contracts & Atomic Swaps) creating a Token for transactional use in funding & financing for Film Productions & Entertainment Entities, and for Consumer pymt. (POS) systems for: Tickets, Home-E, Memorabilia Merch & Rewards-w/Invitations to private VIP events worldwide. Blockchain use -will employ transparency at open ledger trustless level for back office accounting tracking of pay per/View streaming tracking solutions. Moovi-Coinz will be attached as a native Token for Vuvies OTT Platform and for Global Harbor Studios fintech solutions for studio various financing & funding scenarios.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2330970, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

29.52 ms