tx · E5JnmmjoRz4uXyN8AVB2dVF3BnChPDvrSUzWFaWVLDwA

3P9ksGqduYpva3nWZ88bR7VBGeWjv3g3cmM:  +5000000.0 BREED
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.03.10 18:08 [1431365] issue 3P9ksGqduYpva3nWZ88bR7VBGeWjv3g3cmM > SELF +5000000.0 BREED

{ "type": 3, "id": "E5JnmmjoRz4uXyN8AVB2dVF3BnChPDvrSUzWFaWVLDwA", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1552230516486, "version": 2, "sender": "3P9ksGqduYpva3nWZ88bR7VBGeWjv3g3cmM", "senderPublicKey": "EFbLspf73YRX6SqDW1JigAu32ef8icujLdna6e4PWFg2", "proofs": [ "4VRGDNcPAqxANsNzQvtjkywM1iuBkNXfruADRT2BCLkKZAk5Mx2zychuT1FCd16Gj3zzHhPADwn9vEAzw7y2g1VE" ], "assetId": "E5JnmmjoRz4uXyN8AVB2dVF3BnChPDvrSUzWFaWVLDwA", "name": "BREED", "quantity": 50000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 1, "description": "BREED is a high concept art project fusing porn demand with real world application of planned parenthood.\n\nThe philosophy of Breed:\n\n1. Modern porn does not promote healthy progression of the human species due to avoidance of insemination of human female by contraceptive barrier\n\n2. Art & creative productions are removed from a core to promote fertility & that modern productions are hollow & without relevance to human nature as a result.\n\nBREED will remedy these socio structural flaws by introducing a high concept cryptocurrency based on Waves platform that can adequately meet the financing requirement of human reproduction and fostering. Combined with professional artistic licensing this project will manifest in a pornographic artbook with the primary purpose of covering project expenses. The book intends to restructure human creativity and refocus it back to its core nature which is tied to human reproduction.\n\nhttps://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5119050.new#new", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1431365, "spentComplexity": 0 }

40.70 ms